Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD) is clinically common and refractory disease, its morbidity is increasing year by year. 【中英文摘要】慢性肾脏病是临床常见、难疾病,其发病率正呈逐年上升趋势。
A common mineral occurring in small crystals; chief source of zirconium; used as a refractory when opaque and as a gem when transparent. 一种常见的矿物,细小结晶状,是锆的主要来源,不透明的用作耐火材料,透明的用作宝石。
The hippocampal sclerosis is the most common neuropathologic finding in patients with medically refractory TLE. 在内科难治性颞叶癫?的患者中,海马硬化是最常见的神经病理学改变。
The most common of these refractory symptoms are severe pain, agitated delirium, dyspnea, and psychological or existential suffering. 这些常见难治疗的症状包括严重疼痛、躁动性谵妄、呼吸困难以及心理或存在性的痛苦等。
Methods The three common G6PD gene mutations in Chinese were investigated in 34 G6PD deficient individuals from Yao and 37 from Han people by using an amplification refractory mutation system ( ARMS). 方法用突变特异性扩增系统(ARMS)法对广西瑶族34例和汉族37例G6PD缺乏者进行中国常见的三种G6PD基因突变型筛查。
C-N common permeance, the process of the heat-tratment, is applied in making dies of refractory material products. The durability of the dies has been therefore improved and the cost of products reduced. C-N共渗热处理工艺应用在耐火材料制品模具制造中,提高了模具的耐用度,降低了产品成本。
Results: All 68 common AVNRT cases are simple slow-fast type. Among the 9 cases of refractory AVNRT, 2 cases were combined with concealed left postseptal AVAP and concealed right AVAP respectively, while 1 case with atrioventricular nodal three pathways. 结果:普通组68例为单一慢-快型AVNRT,顽固组9例AVNRT中,2例分别合并隐匿性左后间隔AVAP和右侧隐匿性AVAP,1例房室结三径路。
Fast Determination of Al_2O_3 Content in Common Refractory 普通耐火材料中Al2O3含量的快速测定
Objective Neovascular glaucoma ( NVG) is the common type of refractory glaucoma. Its therapy is very complicated and difficult. 目的新生血管性青光眼(neovascularglaucoma,NVG)是难治性青光眼中最常见的一种类型,治疗非常复杂和困难。
In order to solve the problems with common phenolic resin binder for refractory, the paper has researched phenolic resin modified by molybdic acid. 针对普通酚醛树脂(PF)作为耐火材料结合剂使用中存在的问题,研究了以钼酸改性PF的可行性。
It was summarized and analysed to six species of common construction of refractory zinc bath in China, original refractory zinc bath is reformed, and situation of zinc bath around reformed is compared and analysed. 总结分析了国内6种常用耐火材料锌锅的结构,对原耐火材料锌锅进行了改造,对比分析了改造前后的锌锅状况。
The rate of residual carbon of this thermosetting PF/ MMT was more 9 percent point than common thermosetting phenolic resin's, so it's a better binder for refractory than common phenolic resin. 合成的热固性PF/MMT比一般热固性PF的残碳率高出九个百分点。
Chronic hepatitis B including chronic hepatitis B and lingering chronic active hepatitis B, the course of a long, pathogenesis complex, is one of the common chronic infection in China, with universality, multiple and refractory characteristics. 慢性乙型肝炎包括慢性迁延性乙型肝炎和慢性活动性乙型肝炎,病程长,发病机理复杂,是我国常见的慢性传染病之一,具有常见性、多发性及难治性的特点。
Objective: Eczema is one of the common clinical skin, its pathogenesis, think and immune complex, genetic, environmental factors, such as often repeated attacks, touching refractory. 目的:湿疹是临床上常见的皮肤病之一,其发病机理复杂,认为与免疫、遗传、环境等因素有关,常反复发作,缠绵难愈。
Chronic cough is the common diseases of the respiratory system, but also one of refractory disease. 慢性咳嗽是呼吸系统常见疾病之一,也是难治疾病之一。
Gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD) is a common clinical refractory digestive diseases, high incidence of lingering illness repeatedly. [背景]胃食管反流病(GastroesophagealRefluxDisease,GERD)是临床常见难治性消化系统疾病,发病率高,病情缠绵反复。
Background: Sick Sinus Syndrome ( SSS) is a kind of clinically common and refractory cardiovascular disease, the Chinese Medicine Syndrome Types of which is mostly classified into yang deficiency and blood-stasis syndrome. 背景:病态窦房结综合征是临床常见的心血管疑难疾病,其中医证型以阳虚血瘀为多见。
Deafness is not only a common disease, but also a refractory disease in otolaryngology department. Hearing impairment became the most common of all kinds of disable in China. 耳聋是耳鼻咽喉科的常见病和难治性疾病。
Background: Diabetic nephropathy ( DN) is one of the common clinical refractory chronic complications of diabetes, glomerulosclerosis late outcome of a variety of causes glomerular injury or disease, and how to prevent and delay glomerulosclerosis people urgently solve the problem. 背景糖尿病肾病(diabeticNephropathy,DN)是临床常见而难治的糖尿病慢性并发症之一,肾小球硬化是各种原因引起肾小球损伤或病变的晚期结局,如何防治和延缓肾小球硬化,是人们亟待解决的问题。
It is one kind of common and refractory clinical peripheral vascular disease in surgery. 是临床中较为常见的周围血管疾病,也是外科难治性疾病。
It is a clinically common and refractory disease in the world. So far there is no perfect therapy. 本病为世界公认的临床常见的难治病证,迄今尚无特效疗法。
As a common industry material, refractory is used in many industries just as metallurgy, cement, glass, ceramics, energy power and some advanced branches of science, and plays an important role in development of national economy. 耐火材料是一种常用的工业原料,普遍应用于冶金、水泥、玻璃、陶瓷、能源动力等行业和一些尖端科学领域,对国民经济的发展起着重要作用。
Among the different types of cancer pains, bone cancer pain is the most common, severe and refractory. 在各种类型的癌症痛中,尤以骨癌痛最严重同时也最难治疗。
Malignant peritoneal cavity effusion is one of common complications of the late tumor patients. It has the characteristics of rapid growth, refractory healing and patients suffer from. 恶性腹膜腔积液是肿瘤晚期常见的并发症之一,具有生长迅速、缠绵难愈等特点,给患者带来极大的痛苦。
Background and Objective: Temporal lobe epilepsy ( TLE) is a common type of refractory epilepsy. 研究背景和目的:颞叶癫痫(Temporallobeepilepsy,TLE)是难治性癫痫的常见类型。
Myocardial remodel is the common end of a variety of myocardial injury and a major factor of refractory heart failure. Myocardial remodel was very evident in Keshan disease ( KD), especially in children chronic type KD. 心肌重构是多种心肌损伤的共同结局,是造成难治性心衰的重要因素,这在克山病往往表现得特别明显,尤其是儿童慢型克山病。
Chronic renal failure ( CRF) is one of the most common refractory disease in our country. 新型抗肾衰药物的设计与合成慢性肾衰竭(CRF)是我国最为常见的难治性疾病之一。
Tunnel kiln is a common device used to produce refractory, which can heat refractory product up to the temperature of technological requirements by fuel combustion process. The fuel combustion process is directly related to product quality and the economic benefit of enterprise. 隧道窑是一种常用的生产耐火材料的设备,该设备通过燃料的燃烧,将耐火制品加热到工艺要求的温度,燃料燃烧过程直接关系到产品的质量以及企业的经济效益。